Different fields in aircraft :
- Aerodynamics - Is the study of the motion of air over an object.
- Propulsion - Is the study of engine and its motions.
- Thermodynamics - Study of the effects of work, heat and energy on a system.
- Aircraft Structures - Study of design and construction of airframe parts.
- Flight Dynamics - Study of the performance, stability, and control of flight in air.
- Avionics - Study of electronics used in aircraft.
Major parts of an aircraft :
- Fuselage.
- Landing Gear.
- Flight control surfaces.
- Wings.
- Stabilizers.
- Aircraft Engines.
- Altimeter - Indicates the height of the aircraft above the sea level.
- Attitude indicator or Artificial horizon - Indicates the orientation of aircraft about its pitch and roll axis.
- Airspeed indicator - Indicates the aircraft speed relative to the surrounding air.
- Magnetic compass - Indicates the aircraft heading relative to the magnetic north.
- Vertical speed indicator or Variometer - Indicates the rate of climb or descent of the flight.
- Turn and balance indicator - Indicates the direction of the turn and rate of turn of the flight.
Major forces acting on an aircraft :
- Thrust.
- Drag.
- Lift.
- Gravity or weight.
Flight control surfaces :
Control surfaces which helps pilot to control and stabilize the aircraft in a defined direction. There are two types of control surfaces they are primary and secondary control surfaces.
Primary control surfaces :
Rudder ( to control the flight along the yaw axis).
Aileron ( to control the flight along the lateral axis ).
Elevator ( to control the flight along the longitudinal axis).
Secondary control surfaces :
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